Demolition and Development of Jeddah Center in formed Artwork by Materials in the light of Philosophy of Ugliness and beauty - Vision 2030

  • Dr. Fatten Mahmud. Suliman Helal Associate Professor, Department of Painting and Art, College of Art and Design, University of Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
Keywords: demolition, developing the center of Jeddah, ugliness and beauty, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Vision 2030


      The research deals with the importance of the city of Jeddah in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, as it is one of the most important and largest seaports on the Red Sea coast.,It also dealt with the spread of slums in the city of Jeddah, which caused visual distortion and then aesthetic, and successive projects in order to develop and improve Jeddah,The research also dealt with the vision of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia 2030 to promote urban, aesthetic and economic development, as well as the humanization of cities, in a modern style that builds the people of the region and the community of the place.         The research dealt with the theory of ugliness and beauty for some philosophers, so beauty is not considered a degree of ugliness, but through ugliness, beauty can be born,The research dealt with the field of composition with artwork by materials, and the artistic work is supposed to treat the ugly content as well as the beautiful with complete and pure art,The research problem was summarized in how to show the beauty in the development of downtown Jeddah and what is hidden behind the ugliness that exists in the demolition of slums in light of the vision of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia 2030, by artwork the materials into an innovative artwork,The research also aims to implement an innovative artwork by taking advantage of the philosophy of ugliness and beauty through the field of molding with artwork by materials, and also linking the philosophy of ugliness and beauty to the process of demolition and development in the central Jeddah region in light of Vision 2030.           The research follows the descriptive and analytical approach of the theoretical side, and the experimental approach in practical research applications.,Among the results of the research is the importance of understanding both the values of ugliness and beauty in the Jeddah Central Development Project, the positive effects of the Jeddah Central Development Project on Saudi society., Among the recommendations of the research is an attempt to accept beauty through ugliness in order to achieve the desired goal and communicate the idea to all segments of Saudi society, and the equivalent countries of the Arab and foreign world, keeping pace with global development through solving societal issues in modern artistic ways.


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How to Cite
Dr. Fatten Mahmud. Suliman Helal. (2023). Demolition and Development of Jeddah Center in formed Artwork by Materials in the light of Philosophy of Ugliness and beauty - Vision 2030. Journal of Arts, Literature, Humanities and Social Sciences, (95), 254-275.