The Effect of applying Situational Leadership Methods on improving Project Performance

(An applied study on emerging projects in Riyadh)

  • Hanan Abdullah Nazir Project Management Department, College of Management, Midtown University, United Arab Emirates
Keywords: Situational leadership, Project performance, Startup projects, Riyadh city


The aim of this study was to investigate the impact of situational leadership styles (directive, coaching, supportive, and delegative) on project performance in terms of cost, time, and quality in startup projects in Riyadh city. To achieve this study's objectives, it was conducted on startup projects in Riyadh city, and the target population included top management and operational departments. The sample size for this study was 300 project managers, and a questionnaire was used as the primary data collection tool. After ensuring the tool's normality, validity, and reliability, descriptive analysis was conducted, and correlations between variables were verified. Finally, the impact was tested using multiple regressions. The study's results revealed a statistically significant positive impact of the application of directive leadership as one of the situational leadership styles on the performance of startup projects in the construction field in Riyadh. Additionally, there was a positive correlation between the application of directive leadership as one of the situational leadership styles and the performance of startup projects in the construction field in Riyadh. Moreover, there was a statistically significant positive impact of the application of coaching leadership as one of the situational leadership styles on the performance of startup projects in the construction field in Riyadh. Furthermore, there was a statistically significant positive impact of the application of supportive leadership as one of the situational leadership styles on the performance of startup projects in the construction field in Riyadh. Finally, there was a statistically significant positive impact of the application of delegated leadership as one of the situational leadership styles on the performance of startup projects. Based on the study's findings, several recommendations were made, including the necessity to enhance the capabilities and skills of managers and leaders in applying modern management styles in leadership by providing training programs and courses covering all developments and modern methods used in management and leadership. Additionally, efforts should be made to maintain the quality of performance levels of startup projects in the construction field in Riyadh by providing all necessary resources and requirements to achieve that.


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How to Cite
Hanan Abdullah Nazir. (2023). The Effect of applying Situational Leadership Methods on improving Project Performance: (An applied study on emerging projects in Riyadh). Journal of Arts, Literature, Humanities and Social Sciences, (95), 159-203.