The Content of The Photo in The Front Page
(Al-Sabbah newspaper as a model)
The starting point for expression in newspaper editing, and it cannot become a media content unless it is placed in the appropriate editorial picture, as the image is one of the best ways to attract readers ’attention to the newspaper and the subject that is intended to be highlighted, which enables it to record the details of things closer to reality, to be considered The combination of the image and the word to create a new press expression that performs the functions of media, persuasion and direction at the same time, so it is sometimes called the photojournalism, and the photojournalism is considered one of the main communication symbols that newspapers rely on in formulating their messages, as they do not depend on the symbols a Verbal only, but it relies on other symbols of non-verbal communication to confirm the meanings and ideas reflected by verbal symbols.The image also includes several types depending on the contents it contains, including the news image that represents an event that occurred in a specific place and time, and is often characterized by its large area by publishing it on the first page or in the internal pages of the newspaper, while the pictures of the topics differ from the news pictures, as it includes the pictures of the subjects Journalistic investigations are characterized by the photographer having sufficient time to take pictures, either as well as portraits known as portraits any portrait of a particular person with a hadith or statement or told him to indicate, between them the aesthetic images express pictures with news meanings but do not include any dimensions used in the editorial units, but rather to create touches G Maly, unlike advertising images that are used to support advertising content based on the idea head of expressing people or goods. Therefore, this current study aims to know the content of the press picture on the first page of the Iraqi newspaper Al-Sabah as a model, as the sample of the month of January (January) for the year 2018 was chosen as a sample for research, using the descriptive approach to describe the phenomenon and its vocabulary in terms of journalism and directing, through the adoption of an analysis method The content known as the survey method for classifying the content of the image into main categories and then inserting and classifying it into sub-categories, through statistical tables interpreting its data and results down to the conclusion, conclusions and recommendations.
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