The Effect of the Push and Pull Strategy on the Achievement of Literature and Texts for Fourth Literary Students

  • Prof. Dr. Dhia Abdullah Ahmed Al-Tamimi Ibn Rushd College of Education - University of Baghdad - Iraq
  • Tawfiq Abdul Fadalah Al-Khikani Ibn Rushd College of Education - University of Baghdad - Iraq
Keywords: push and pull strategy, literature and texts, fourth literary grade


This research aims to know: (The effect of the push and pull strategy in achieving the literature and texts subject for fourth literary students). To achieve the research goal, the researcher prepared the following zero hypothesis:

There is no statistically significant difference at the level (0.05) between the average score of the experimental group who are studying literature and texts with the push and pull strategy and the average score of the students of the control group who study the same material in the traditional way. Therefore, the researcher relied on an experimental design with partial control of two equal groups, and the fourth preparatory grade was chosen in the literary, literary, free, prep for boys, which is part of the Baghdad / Karkh second education). For the academic year (2020-2019), the first course of study, literature and text was taught, and this sample was chosen intentionally to represent the research sample, and intentionally, Division B was chosen to represent the experimental group, and (C) to represent the control group.

The number of members of the sample reached (62) students, by (31) students in the experimental group, and (31) students in the control group in the two middle schools. The experiment has started, the researcher rewarded between the two research groups statistically in the following variables (time age, academic achievement of the parents For two study groups, and the previous year’s grades for Arabic).

As for the measuring instrument, it consisted of an objective achievement test consisting of (30) items in its final form of multiple choices, pairing and filling in the blank, and its validity and reliability were verified. After the end of the experiment, the measurement tool was applied to the experimental and control groups, correcting the answers and statistically processing the data using the statistical bag (Spss). The result showed that there is a statistically significant difference in the achievement of the students of the experimental group and the control group, with literature and texts, and in favor of the experimental group.


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How to Cite
Prof. Dr. Dhia Abdullah Ahmed Al-Tamimi, & Tawfiq Abdul Fadalah Al-Khikani. (2020). The Effect of the Push and Pull Strategy on the Achievement of Literature and Texts for Fourth Literary Students. Journal of Arts, Literature, Humanities and Social Sciences, (52), 220-238.