Intersection of Arts in The Saudi Novel

(Techniques and Narration Examination of Selected Models)

  • Dr. Hilala Bint Saad Al-Harthy Assistant Professor of Modern Literature, Department of Arabic Language and Literature, King Abdul-Aziz University, KSA
Keywords: Intersection, Shot, Cutting, Collage


The modern novel was able to break away from the construction of the traditional novel with its different styles and formats, and to absorb various literary genres and other audio-visual arts in it to attract the reader to the future of the fictional text, and to present various texts keeping pace with the rapid development; creative experimental texts appeared on the level of form and content. This study dealt with the intersection of the Saudi novel with other arts and its interaction with them, such as graphic, plastic and percussive arts. This study aims to reveal the most prominent arts intertwined with the Saudi novel, and to identify the characteristics of this intersection and the aesthetics achieved by this interaction, and the most prominent techniques that moved from these different arts to the novel and its impact on the techniques of narration and narrative discourse and its structural and semantic dimensions, and the impact of the intersection of the discourse of the novel with other discourses in the production of a different fictional text.


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How to Cite
Dr. Hilala Bint Saad Al-Harthy. (2023). Intersection of Arts in The Saudi Novel: (Techniques and Narration Examination of Selected Models). Journal of Arts, Literature, Humanities and Social Sciences, (93), 248-274.