Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder among Syrian Refugees in Makkah Al-Mukarramah
The study aimed to determine the level of post-traumatic stress and Its relationship to some variables among Syrian refugees in Makkah Al-Mukarramah. The study sample consisted of 377 refugees, male and female, with different education levels, and traumatic experiences. They were selected by the Purposive Sample method, and to achieve the purposes of the study, The descriptive method was followed, using the P.T.S.D scale prepared by Far’oun (2020). To achieve the purpose of the study, the means, normative deviations, T-test, have been used. The main results of the study were as follows: There is an average level of P.T.S.D in the study sample. The study also found statistically significant differences in the level of P.T.S.D among refugees related to the gender variable in favor of females. There are also statistically significant differences in the levels of P.T.S.D in the refugee sample related to educational level, and traumatic experience in favor of High school qualification or lower. In the traumatic experience, the results of the Scheffe test showed that: the differences were in favor of the categories of (exposure to trauma before the asylum journey), and (exposure to trauma during the asylum journey), and (exposure to trauma in the host country), respectively, compared to the category of (they did not experience refugee trauma).
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