The Difficulties Faced in the Distance Education Process During the Covid 19 Crisis and Proposals to Solve Them

  • Mousa Sulaiman Alfaifi Associate Professor in Adult and Continuing Education, Educational Policies Department, College of Education, King Saud University, KSA
Keywords: learning platforms, learning process management, electronic tests, the Internet, educational crises


The study aimed to identify the difficulties that were faced the education process during the Covid 19 crisis and requirements to solve them. The current study relied on the descriptive survey method and This study used the questionnaire and interview tools to collect data, while the sample consisted of 162 faculty members at the College of Education at King Saud University, interviews were conducted with 11 of them.  The study reached the difficulties were (the weakness of the Internet and its interruption in some places among students, poor visual communication between the course professor and students) The  most requirements that the faculty members gave in order  to develop the role of distance education in solving educational crises were (adopting  clear legislations for distance education by the university administration, Activating the role of the Deanship of e-learning and distance education as hoped, adopting alternative educational strategies in case of emergency).


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How to Cite
Mousa Sulaiman Alfaifi. (2023). The Difficulties Faced in the Distance Education Process During the Covid 19 Crisis and Proposals to Solve Them. Journal of Arts, Literature, Humanities and Social Sciences, (93), 96-111.