An Artistic Vision of the Works of some of the Pioneers of the Architectural Parametric Trend and Inspiration from them in Fashion Design using 3D Computer Programs

  • Fatima bint Abdullah Saleh Al-Shehri PhD student, majoring in Fashion Design, College of Human Sciences and Design, King Abdulaziz University, Saudi Arabia
  • Prof. Dr. Nermin Bint Abdul Rahman A. Muhammad Professor of Fashion Design, College of Human Sciences and Design, King Abdulaziz University, Saudi Arabia
Keywords: parametric, architectural, 3D fashion design


Recently, interest in parametric design has increased as one of the newly emerging scientific and artistic trends through digital technology in architecture, which would play an important role in reducing the effort expended within the mass production process in various fields, as one parametric design can generate an infinite number of proposed designs. using computer technology. The aim of the research is to design three-dimensional fashion inspired by the artistic values of the works of some pioneers of the architectural barometric trend, and to identify the acceptance of specialists for the proposed designs for women using three-dimensional computer programs.

The opinions of the specialized arbitrators and the results of the statistical analysis proved the possibility of creating three-dimensional clothing designs inspired by the architectural parametric trend. The third design came in second place with an average score of (5.00). While the fifth design came in the third rank, with an average rank of (4.46).

The research recommends conducting more scientific and research studies between the architectural parametric trend and fashion design. Benefiting from the artistic features that characterize the architectural parametric trend in inspiration and innovation in producing clothing designs bearing the architectural character.


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How to Cite
Fatima bint Abdullah Saleh Al-Shehri, & Prof. Dr. Nermin Bint Abdul Rahman A. Muhammad. (2023). An Artistic Vision of the Works of some of the Pioneers of the Architectural Parametric Trend and Inspiration from them in Fashion Design using 3D Computer Programs. Journal of Arts, Literature, Humanities and Social Sciences, (92), 225-257.