Bullying in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder Integrated and Non-Integrated

  • Nasser Saud Al-Anzi Psychologist at King Salman Specialist Hospital, Hail, Department of Social and Psychological Service, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Keywords: bullying, autism disorder


In light of the wide-ranging negative repercussions of bullying behavior in children, and the presence of increasing evidence that children with autism diagnosed according to the Fifth Statistical Manual of Disorders DSM-5 are more exposed to or involved in bullying behaviors compared to those with other developmental disorders and normal people, and despite this risk, there is a need To explore the differences between children with integrated, non-integrated and normal autism disorder in bullying behavior, the study aimed to determine the nature of the differences between children with integrated, non-integrated and normal autism disorder as victims or actors in the phenomenon of bullying, and the study was conducted on a sample of (93) children in the city of Hail , , between the ages of 5-12 years; Of these, 31 are non-autistic, 31 are children with autism who are not integrated, and 31 are children with autism who are integrated.The scale of victimization and perpetration of bullying was applied. The validity and reliability of the scale was verified for children with autistic disorder and normal, and the results indicated that the level of exposure to bullying and the perpetration of bullying behavior in both groups of children with integrated and non-integrated autism disorder was higher than that of children with normal development, and the integration of children with autism disorder in regular schools had negative effects on the level Being bullied (the victim) and committing bullying behavior. Where the level of exposure to bullying and the perpetration of bullying behavior among children with integrated autism disorder was higher than that of children with non-integrated autism disorder, and normal, and the study explains its results by: Participation in bullying as an aggressive or adaptive response.


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How to Cite
Nasser Saud Al-Anzi. (2023). Bullying in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder Integrated and Non-Integrated. Journal of Arts, Literature, Humanities and Social Sciences, (92), 179-194. https://doi.org/10.33193/JALHSS.92.2023.845