Challenges of using blended learning from the point of view of Computer Teachers in Jeddah
The current study aims to investigate male and female teachers' viewpoints about the challenges of applying blended learning in teaching computer. Blended learning mixes regular classroom education with various forms of e-learning. The researcher used the phenomenological method to have a better understanding of these challenges. the standardized interview as a tool to collect information. The sample, which consisted of 12 male and female computer teachers, was chosen intentionally due to their employment of blended learning in their teaching. The results of the study show many challenges of blended learning. Challenges can be categorized into three main categories, which are (human challenges - technical and administrative challenges - infrastructure challenges). The study recommends the need to pay attention to identifying the challenges facing male and female teachers when applying blended learning in the educational process and working to solve it, in addition to activating the role of the Educational Training Department in holding training courses that help in developing the skills of male and female teachers in activating e-learning tools.
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