The Procedural Nature of the Parliamentary Question in the Bahraini and Jordanian Constitutional System

(A comparative study)

  • Dr. Ayman Atallah Ahmed Hammouri Assistant Professor, Department of Public Law - College of Law - Applied Science University - Kingdom of Bahrain
Keywords: Parliamentary question, Constitutional system, Bahraini constitution, Jordanian constitution


The parliamentary question is one of the most important tools of parliamentary control over the work of the executive authority. Representatives of the people in Parliament can monitor the executive activities of the government to ensure the follow-up of their work based on the principle of legitimacy and thus improve the continuity of the performance of public utilities properly. A Member of Parliament is unaware of any issue related to the work of the government, whether it is an act that the government has previously or will do in the future.

Based on the above, the aim of the study is to know how to address the parliamentary question to the government and the procedures for submitting it in both the constitutional systems of Bahrain and Jordan according to two papers, the first of which will address the legal nature of the parliamentary question and the second of the procedural system.


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Constitutions, laws and regulations
1. The Jordanian Constitution
2. Bahraini Constitution
3. The internal system of the Jordanian Parliament
4. The internal system of the Jordanian Senate
5. The internal regulations of the Bahraini Parliament
6. The internal regulations of the Bahraini Shura Council
7. The internal system of the Lebanese Parliament
How to Cite
Dr. Ayman Atallah Ahmed Hammouri. (2020). The Procedural Nature of the Parliamentary Question in the Bahraini and Jordanian Constitutional System: (A comparative study). Journal of Arts, Literature, Humanities and Social Sciences, (52), 142-157.