Economic Transformations in the Twenty-First Century
The world economic system witnessed many shifts and mutations, and these shifts were in response to the development of economic thought and this in turn was a response to the changes and new data for each stage of history, as the global economic development from simple production, through the feudal system and the feudal lords, the socialist revolution, and the Great Depression, to the end With new capitalism and globalization, which marked the end of the twentieth century and the beginning of the twenty-first century. However, this situation began to change, and a new world economic order, a system characterized by huge economic blocs, intense trade competition, bilateral trade agreements based on similar trends, and a race to occupy world markets appeared on the horizon.
After delving into the most prominent economic transformations revealed by the third millennium, the researcher concluded that the phenomenon of globalization brought about by the industrialized countries began to fade, due to the circumstance imposed by the new world, and among the most important is the increase in commercial competition for the major countries, as the twenty-first century will be A Chinese century, due to the steady growth that China is witnessing in all fields. As for Russia, and despite its establishment of the Eurasian Union as an economic power, these conglomerates will not have a prominent role among the powers of the current century. As for Iraq, it has many opportunities to develop and advance its economy. , Via T. Strong relations with major countries, the most important of which are China and the United States.
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