Structures of Morphological Verbs in Divan Ishraqat al-Tin by Ahmed Asiri
(A selected models)
Morphology is one of the most important sciences in understanding the language and its various structures and methods, and it is one of the great sciences of value and great benefit. And since the science of morphology did not find that prestige and interest that the science of grammar found, this study came to enrich morphological studies in particular with the title: Structures of morphological verbs in the collection of “Ishraqat al-Tin” by Ahmad Asiri, selected models.
The study deals with the morphological structures of verbs in the collection of Ishraqat al-Tin by Ahmed Asiri. The attention is given first to the theoretical aspect, and then to the practical aspect in particular.
This research aims to Shedding light on the Saudi poetry collection, and Al-Asiri poetry in particular
Interest in studying a divan of one of the Asir poets whose divan has not been subjected to a morphological study before
Interest in studying morphology as a tributary of grammatical significance that examines the relationship of these vocabulary to each other. And clarifying the status of the morphological structure in the science of morphology and identifying the sections that it includes in the science of morphology.
Studying the structures of the acted verbs in the Divan Ishraqat al-Tin, where the study of the transitive and intransitive verbs, and the verbs in terms of abstraction and increase, and standing on the most verbs used by the poet in his collection
The method used in the study: It is the descriptive analytical method
The first topic: deals with the definition of morphology and its importance, and the most important terms on which the study was based
The second topic: deals with the structure of morphological verbs, where attention is paid to the study of transitive and intransitive verbs and abstract and incremental verbs
The study was concluded with the most important findings and recommendations.
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