Protection of Industrial Property Rights for the Investor
Industrial property and what it contains of topics are of great importance because they are linked to the state's commercial and economic policy (by achieving high competition in the market in addition to investing in capital as well as operating the workforce), and for the importance that industrial property enjoys, it needs to protect the investor’s right legally Judicial, where Jordan gave priority through Law No. (14) of (2000) the Law of Industrial Designs and Models, as well as Algeria through Order No. 66-86 of (1966 Related to the designs, special attention, which we discussed in detail later.
The research reached several results, including: Industrial property has economic benefits for its owner.
As for the recommendations, they were divided and directed to the legislative body in Jordan (we recommended directing moral or material support to the creators) and Algeria (to the necessity of reviewing the legislation in force and keeping abreast of modern technological and technological developments).
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ثانياً: الأطاريح والرسائل:
1. شعلال اَية لياس، 2016، حماية حقوق الملكية الصناعية من جريمة التقليد، رسالة ماجستير، مقدمة إلى كلية الحقوق والعلوم السياسية، جامعة مولود معمري/الجزائر.
2. سعيدة راشدي ، 2014، العلامات في القانون الجزائري الجديد، أطروحة دكتوراه في القانون، كلية الحقوق والعلوم السياسية، جامعة مولود معمري.
ثالثاً: الابحاث
1. الصرايرة ابراهيم صالح، د.ت، الحماية القانونية للرسوم والنماذج الصناعية في التشريع الاردني والاتفاقيات الدولية، بحث منشور في مجلة جامعة الانبار في العلوم القانونية والسياسية، العدد السابع.
رابعاً: المواقع الإلكترونية
1. موقع المنظمة العالمية للملكية الفكرية .
خامساً: القوانين
1. اتفاقية باريس لحماية الملكية الصناعية المؤرخة (20) مارس (1838) وتعديلاتها لغاية (3) أكتوبر (1979).
2. الأمر رقم 66-86 سنة (1966) المتعلق بالرسوم والنماذج الجزائري.
3. قانون رقم (14) لسنة (2000) الرسوم الصناعية والنماذج الصناعية الأردني.
First: books:
1- Al-Fatlawi Samir Jamil Hassan, Industrial property according to the Algerian laws, University Press Office, Algeria, (1988).
2- Al-Khouli Saed Khaled, Industrial Property Rights, Dar Majdalawi for Publishing and Distribution, Amman / Jordan, year (2004).
3- Al-Manzalawi Abbas Hilmi, Industrial Property, University Press Office, Algeria, (1983).
4- Bakr Esmat Abdel-Majid, Khater Sabri Hamad, Legal Protection of Intellectual Property, First Edition, Bayt Al-Hikma, Baghdad / Iraq, Year (2001).
5- Al-Kiswani Amer Mahmoud, Law Applicable to Intellectual Property Issues
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6- Zarawi Farha Salih, Aggregate in Algerian Commercial Law (Industrial and Commercial Property Rights, Literary and Artistic Property Rights), IbnKhaldun Publishing and Distribution, Algeria, (2006).
Second: Theses and Theses:
1- Lyas Ayat Chaalal, Protection of Industrial Property Rights from the Crime of Tradition, Master Thesis, submitted to the Faculty of Law and Political Science,
Mouloud Mamari University / Algeria, (2016).
2- Saida Rachdi, Marks in the New Algerian Law, PhD thesis in Law, Faculty of Law and Political Science, Mouloud Mamari University, year (2014).
Third: Researches:
1- Al-Sarayrah Ibrahim Saleh, Legal Protection of Industrial Designs in Jordanian Legislation and International Agreements, research published in Anbar University Journal in Legal and Political Sciences, No. 7.
Fourth: Websites:
1- The World Intellectual Property Organization website, .
Fifth: Laws:
1- Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property dated (20) March (1838) and its amendments up to (3) October (1979).
2- Ordinance No. 66-86 of the year (1966) relating to Algerian designs.
3- Law No. (14) of (2000) Jordanian