A Proposal for an Islamic Educational art Museum as one of the Tributaries of Tourism Education in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the Creation of Contemporary Artistic Artifacts as Souvenirs

  • Futon Fouad Abdel Qader Fayoumi Associate Professor, College of Arts and Design, Majoring in Artistic Works, Department of Painting and Arts, University of Jeddah, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Keywords: Islamic art museum, tourism education, Saudi Arabia, artistic handicrafts, artistic souvenirs


Museums are popular cultural tourist destinations for all classes of society, as well as for domestic and foreign tourism groups, given that they embody information and present it in different ways that the senses receive together, such as sight, hearing, and touch. As museum education is an educational, cultural, educational education that can be used with male and female students in schools as a cultural educational method by organizing museum visits to support and spread science and knowledge by various means, which are mergers between education, the teacher and the learner, and the museum as a source of modern science, using contemporary technology and modern media For the museum display of excitement, suspense, and interaction within the museum, and to employ all of the above to understand science, history, and civilizations.

  The current research focuses on an initial idea of an Islamic educational cultural museum based on the effect of light and sound that shines on the exhibits to embody the stories of the prophets and their miracles, in order to simplify the idea of the emergence and spread of the Islamic religion as an integral part of the culture of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. It is proposed to provide the museum with translations in different languages to benefit non-language speakers Arabic, the museum includes many halls of different design so that each hall embodies a story from the stories of the prophets and their most famous miracles, and all halls are equipped with a multilingual audio system to explain and simplify the stories of the exhibits and a lighting system used to show the exhibits and give the desired effect to each hall, and at the end of the museum there is a hall For the memorial art exhibits that were implemented through a practical experiment on the students of the College of Art and Design at the University of Jeddah.

The research aims to create a digital visualization of the aforementioned museum with the implementation of memorial pieces to support the dissemination of Islamic culture, which characterized the Kingdom.


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How to Cite
Futon Fouad Abdel Qader Fayoumi. (2023). A Proposal for an Islamic Educational art Museum as one of the Tributaries of Tourism Education in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the Creation of Contemporary Artistic Artifacts as Souvenirs. Journal of Arts, Literature, Humanities and Social Sciences, (87), 194-209. https://doi.org/10.33193/JALHSS.87.2023.781