Descartes Influenced Chomsky's Theory and Analysis of Language
The international thinker Fram Noam Chomsky is one of the most prominent great thinkers who had and still has a known weight in the field of language, politics and culture in general, for what he presented in these fields of knowledge, as his ideas have revolutionized a great deal, especially in the field of language and the modern view of linguistic sciences.
These ideas constituted an important turning point in this field of knowledge which demonstrated by evidence the inability of the experimental behavioral model to interpret language.
Chomsky's revolution on the behaviorists is considered an independent stage in the history of linguistics. It is a critical view that cannot be understood unless we address the rational origins from which Chomsky drew his ideas and draws the boundaries of his theory.
Chomsky’s renewal was an extension of the Cartesian rational heritage, which was the most important pillar on which he built his obstetric theory.
So Descartes' philosophy has a clear effect on Chomsky's generative thought.
For this reason, our research deals with the study of Descartes’s effect on Chomsky's theory and his analysis of language, according to an epistemology in which the mind attends a complete presence through which we tried to answer the following question:
How did Descartes' proposition define Chomsky’s view and analysis of language and reason work? As well as analyzing the linguistic instinct according to that comprehensive view.
The research has been divided into sections for easy handling, as follows:
Chomsky's mental premises.
Language and the work of the mind.
The idea of language instinct.
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