دور المنسوجات الالكترونية في تعزيز الإدراك الحسي ضمن الفراغات المعمارية الداخلية
Electronic textiles have made remarkable progress over the last few decades. Which makes it a flexible material that can be incorporated into many sectors. Architecture, for example, uses textiles for internal and exterior applications. And as a result of our modern lifestyles, we spend most of our time in interior spaces that are designed to meet our needs for comfort, safety, and well-being. Textiles and architecture have been influenced by intellectual, social, and industrial changes throughout history. Thus, when they meet in an activity or event, they produce aesthetic responses and construct a sensorial experience. This promotes harmony between man and his environment. Therefore, this paper discusses how electronic textiles can enhance the sensory perception of humans in interior spaces. As a result of human senses and emotional experiences within interior spaces. The aims of this study are to understand the impact of this type of textile on sensory perception. In addition to clarifying the tripartite relationship between textiles, man, and space. By analyzing some of the e-textile projects that are made by contemporary artists and designers within interior spaces. According to the study, e-textiles have a significant effect on the sensory perception of humans within internal spaces. So, more studies, research, and practice are needed to uncover the potential capabilities of these textiles for people and their environments. This will allow us to develop new creative and innovative ways to utilize these textiles in the future.
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