The effectiveness of a proposed model for teaching science based on the integration between Woods model and brain-based learning in developing divergent thinking skills and achievement motivation among first grade middle school students
This research aimed to know the reality of scientific investigation practices in the performance of science teachers in the intermediate stage and its relationship to the scientific investigation skills of their students. In the intermediate stage, and testing the scientific inquiry skills of their students, the research sample consisted of science teachers in the intermediate stage in the government schools affiliated to the city of Khamis Mushait - in the Asir region, which consisted of (30) female teachers, and a random sample of their students in the second intermediate grade, the size of which was (60 ) female student, and the two tools were applied to the observation card on female teachers and the test on a sample of their female students in the first semester of the year 1444 AH. female students in the intermediate stage is weak in general, and the results indicated that there is a direct positive correlation coefficient between the level of scientific investigation practices in The performance of female teachers and their students' possession of scientific investigation skills, and that the strength of the relationship revealed by this study is medium, which means that the level of science teachers' performance of scientific investigation skills may develop scientific investigation skills among their students, and in the light of the results reached Provide some recommendations and suggestions.
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