The Philosophy of the Essence and its Intellectual Premises for the Creation of Contemporary Ceramic Works

  • Suzan Nasser Alsayegh Department of Painting and Arts, University of Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
  • Dr. Manal Saleh Alsaleh Associate Professor of Ceramics, Department of Painting and Art, University of Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
Keywords: philosophy of Essence, Intellectual Premises, ceramics, contemporary


The research focuses on the content and definition of the philosophy of essence and extracting intellectual premises through which we can develop contemporary ceramic forms to get the art of ceramics out of the traditional mold by liberating it from formal restrictions to take the character of contemporary on clear philosophical and intellectual foundations. The research aims to find new intellectual approaches and artistic premises inspired by the concepts of the philosophy of substance. The importance of the research lies in finding intellectual premises inspired by the philosophy of essence that aims to change the perception of contemporary ceramic artworks by emphasizing the aesthetics, essence and being of the material without trying to find analogous representations of it, so that the art of ceramics is re-presented to society in a contemporary way with which the general idea of ​​this art is renewed. The research follows the descriptive analytical approach and has reached many results, including: that the philosophy of essence and its related intellectual contents contributed to the extraction of intellectual premises that lead to the modernization of ceramic art in a contemporary way, and that the intellectual premises deduced from the philosophy of essence such as abstraction, uniquely  and reduction converge with the aesthetic values ​​of contemporary art At more than one point to help create contemporary ceramic works, the research recommends studying the philosophy of essence in deeply way and extracting a set of intellectual premises from it and focusing on the clay in its essence and extracting ceramic formations from the characteristics of the material itself without trying to give it formations that resemble something else.


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المواقع الالكترونية:
10. Yo Akiyama , Joan B Mirviss, 2022 تم الاسترجاع من الموقع بتاريخ 12/ 11/ 2022 م
How to Cite
Suzan Nasser Alsayegh, & Dr. Manal Saleh Alsaleh. (2023). The Philosophy of the Essence and its Intellectual Premises for the Creation of Contemporary Ceramic Works. Journal of Arts, Literature, Humanities and Social Sciences, (87), 1-10.