Sheikh Marouf Al-Nodhi and his Scientific Efforts (1254 AH)

  • AbdulMajeed Ahmed Jabbar MSc in Islamic Philosophy - Faculty of Dar Al Uloom - Cairo University - Egypt
  • Khalid Othman Hamad Ammeen PhD student at Wa University Van Yuzuncu Yıl - Turkey
Keywords: Marouf Al-Noudhi, Sharia Sciences


In this study, we try to explain the most important aspects of Sheikh Marouf Al- Noudhi’s life and his scientific efforts, through his books and great scientific efforts that he spent all his life in order to spread the legal sciences and call to Allah.

 Sheikh Al-Nodhi was one of the great scholars of the Kurds who left his mark in the field of teaching and authorship, where he instructed hundreds of students in his era in various journals of jurisprudence, doctrine, Hadith, Syntax, rhetoric and the origins of jurisprudence. Furthermore, due to his genius, he wrote most of his works in the form of systems and poems as no one in his time matched him. Even A group of scholars explained its systems and writings because it has a great benefit to learners and teachers. He (May Allah have mercy on him) was born, from a large religious family, where he recited and memorized the Holy Qur’an since his childhood.

 Started teaching and authorship early despite the deterioration of political and social conditions in Iraq and Sulaimania region, especially in the era in which he lived, and left us with many books and scientific implications, as some of his books are still manuscript in the libraries of Iraq, especially in the city of Sulaimania, Kurdistan of Iraqi.


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How to Cite
AbdulMajeed Ahmed Jabbar, & Khalid Othman Hamad Ammeen. (2020). Sheikh Marouf Al-Nodhi and his Scientific Efforts (1254 AH). Journal of Arts, Literature, Humanities and Social Sciences, (52), 36-50.