The World Seniority at Ibn Rushd
We all know that the world calls what God Almighty is in this universe, and the issue of the world’s seniority or its occurrence is considered one of the issues in which philosophers and thinkers disagreed and discussed a matter of controversy and disagreement among the people of thought of thinkers after the rise of Islam and other cultures meeting Islamic culture and thought.
Others have also argued that the world is an accident and not an old one, created by God and created it after it was not.
And among the Islamic philosophers, who said that the world was old and that it was from an old time and there was no specific time we say that the world has happened in it, as Ibn Rushd said.
This research tries to shed light on this issue and mention the evidence that both teams relied on by those who say the foot as well as those who say.
The research also tries to highlight Ibn Rushd's opinion on this issue, as well as the evidence that Ibn Rushd mentioned and relied on as evidence on the world's seniority.
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