The Effect of Artificial Intelligence in Designing Commercial Display Windows

  • Dr. Essam Abdullah AL-asiri College of Design and Arts, University of Jeddah, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
  • Dareen Abdulrahman Al-masoud College of Design and Arts, University of Jeddah, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Keywords: Digital Marketing, Interactive Screen, Sale Screen, Self-Selling, Marketing Software


The aim of this research is to show the development of commercial displays with the use of artificial intelligence. It attracting consumers, increasing the profit of companies and gives attraction to the location. Its importance not only for display products, but display measures, colors, ages and suitable seasons. Moreover, the new display screen allows the customer to pay and receive the products. The research uses the descriptive and semi experimental analysis method for the newly digital interactive screen. A questionnaire has been built and analyzed by SPPS shows that the majority support the developed interactive display screen with the use of artificial intelligence programs. A prototype of interactive touch screen has been built with use of 3DMAX and LUMION programs and the results were amazing. The study recommends doing more investigation in research centers.  


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How to Cite
Dr. Essam Abdullah AL-asiri, & Dareen Abdulrahman Al-masoud. (2022). The Effect of Artificial Intelligence in Designing Commercial Display Windows. Journal of Arts, Literature, Humanities and Social Sciences, (84), 212-234.