Determining the Functional and Aesthetic Requirements of Women's Cycling Uniforms in Jeddah using User-Centric Design (UCD) Theory

  • Afnan Salem Suleiman Al-Tayyar Master's Student, Department of Fashion and Textiles, King Abdulaziz University, Saudi Arabia
  • Dr. Elham Nour Ahmed Maqsoud Assistant Professor, Department of Fashion and Textiles, King Abdulaziz University, Saudi Arabia
Keywords: Cycling Uniforms, Bicycle, Cycling, Women, Jeddah, User-Centered Design (UCD)


Cycling has been one of the most prevalent physical activities in women’s communities. It enhances the concept of health, independence and freedom for them. It also needs an appropriate outfit, which makes the requirement changes in women’s outfits to be used while cycling one of the controversial issues from the nineteenth century to the present time. 

    There are many methods and theories that the designers follow to carry out the design process, all of which aim to facilitate the users’ task and ensure that they are able to use the product as intended.

User-centric design (UCD) is one of the approaches that lies at the heart of most modern design processes, as its main philosophy is that the needs, capabilities, and desires of the user drive the designers at every stage of the design process. It simply means that designers design for the consumers who will use the final product .

The aim of this research is:

  1. Determining the function, aesthetics, and women's preferences for women's cycling uniforms in Jeddah city.

The research determined the function, aesthetics, and women's preferences for women's cycling uniforms.

Research Recommendations:

  1. Using the suggested functional and aesthetic needs and preferences to propose designs for women's cycling uniforms.
  2. Producing various types of women's sports fashion by Saudi factories.
  3. Adopting the proposed designs by the General Sports Authority and supplies designers with their clothing needs.
  4. Using (UCD) in determining the needs of different sports uniforms.
  5. Conducting studies to determine the needs of cycling costumes for different types of bicycles.


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How to Cite
Afnan Salem Suleiman Al-Tayyar, & Dr. Elham Nour Ahmed Maqsoud. (2022). Determining the Functional and Aesthetic Requirements of Women’s Cycling Uniforms in Jeddah using User-Centric Design (UCD) Theory. Journal of Arts, Literature, Humanities and Social Sciences, (84), 80-96.