Design Thinking Strategy to Raise Aesthetic Awareness and Marketing Performance

(Visual Cultural Exhibition of Materials Through Modeling- An Applied Study)

  • Dr . Dalal Abdullah bin Nami Al-Harthy Al-Sharif Associate Professor of Fashion Design - College of Design - Umm Al-Qura University
Keywords: design thinking, aesthetic awareness, marketing performance


The research presents an applied model of how to use the design thinking strategy in the field of fashion through a visual cultural exhibition of raw materials on mannequin in cooperation with an international textile company .That is to raise the aesthetic awareness of the consumer and the marketing performance of the company. The aim behind this exhibition is to show the importance and role of the intellectual creativity of the fashion designer by highlighting the aesthetics and capabilities of the material. That is by using the designing method through modeling. Many modeling  exhibition have been held in Rome and Paris , but this is the first of its kind in the Middle East. This exhibition included two groups of fashion designs on mannequin, using international fabrics of 16 designs; the first group is about nature, its beauty and its spontaneity using fabrics of great artistic collections. The second group is about glamorous designs of wedding dresses.


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How to Cite
Dr . Dalal Abdullah bin Nami Al-Harthy Al-Sharif. (2020). Design Thinking Strategy to Raise Aesthetic Awareness and Marketing Performance: (Visual Cultural Exhibition of Materials Through Modeling- An Applied Study). Journal of Arts, Literature, Humanities and Social Sciences, (51), 423-453.