Development of Educational Supervisor Rehabilitation Programs in Saudi Arabia in the Light of Global Experiences
(A proposed Approach)
The study aimed to develop a proposed approach to improve the qualification and professional development programs for educational supervisors in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia by benefiting from international experiences and the findings of recent relevant studies. The study followed the method of the analytical study to know the reality of the qualification and professional development programs for educational supervisors, presented some recent studies and experiences of qualification and professional development in the various education systems, to build a proposed approach for qualification and professional development of educational supervisors.
This perception combines formal and informal methods of professional development and takes care of the practical aspect; To address the shortcomings in the qualification, preparation and development programs. It consists of two aspects, the first of which includes proposed amendments to the current educational supervisors' qualification and development programs; On the other hand, the other side invests the capabilities of social media available in the formation of professional electronic communities of practice of an institutional nature to support the continuous development processes and solve their obstacles. The study presented suggestions about the proposed approach.
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المواقع الإلكترونية
1. المركز التخصصي للتدريـب المهني للمعلميـن (
2. مؤسسة الملكة رانيا Queen Rania Foundation (
3. iShare Singapore (Who We Are - iShare Singapore)
4. Learning forward- The Professional Learning Association (
5. Ministry of Education Singapore (