Spatial Analysis of the Impact of Factors Related To the Design and the Climatic Environment Attracting the Spread of the Land Pest in the Residential Buildings within the First Residential Sector of the City of Diwaniya

(An applied study in the environmental climate)

  • Assist.Prof.Dr. Hussein Ali Abdul Hussein Al-Abedi College of Arts - University of Qadisiyah - Iraq
  • Assist.Prof. Dr. Hasoon Abood Daboon Al-Juboury College of Arts - University of Qadisiyah - Iraq
Keywords: Spatial analysis, climatic environment, Earth scourge, Diwaniya city


The researchers followed the analytical approach based on statistical indicators represented by the outputs of the program (spss) after the process of classification of the percentage of engagement and the rate of participation of their effectiveness as factors explaining the spread of the pest of the land. The explanatory variables were omitted if the allowable error rate is higher than (0.05) as this percentage is statistically unacceptable, while the explanatory variables are retained if the allowable error rate is less than (0.05).   The research according to the statistical treatment revealed that (4) variables only out of (14) proved to be statistically significant in terms of the allowable error rate, representing independent variables related to the design characteristics of the buildings of the research sample, and topped the four variables - variable (x16) which represents The percentage of houses that include a garden containing palm trees, by a participation rate of 91% in the interpretation of the change in the proportion of houses affected in the scourge of the earth as a dependent variable, while the variables related to the climate of indoor spaces in terms of ventilation and solar trends and the percentage of moisture diffusion in the walls of the building, revealed Statistical treatment was significant (7) variables Out of (8), the seven variables - the variable (x25), which represents the percentage of houses that are free from the manifestations of high humidity within their walls - are issued with a 99% participation rate in explaining the change in the percentage of houses affected in the pest as a dependent variable. While the statistical treatment showed a statistically significant for the proportion of the participation of all the explanatory factors related to the level of satisfaction of the occupants of the buildings of the designs of their homes, the variable (x30) topped the rest of the independent variables in the interpretation of the change in the proportion of houses infected in the pest of the earth as a dependent variable and the rate of participation (81%)



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How to Cite
Assist.Prof.Dr. Hussein Ali Abdul Hussein Al-Abedi, & Assist.Prof. Dr. Hasoon Abood Daboon Al-Juboury. (2020). Spatial Analysis of the Impact of Factors Related To the Design and the Climatic Environment Attracting the Spread of the Land Pest in the Residential Buildings within the First Residential Sector of the City of Diwaniya: (An applied study in the environmental climate). Journal of Arts, Literature, Humanities and Social Sciences, (51), 407-422.