The Effectiveness of the Debono Program for Thinking about the Achievement of Fifth-Grade Literary Students in the Arabic Grammar and Retention Course
The current research aims to identify the effectiveness of the DePono program to reflect on the achievement of Arabic grammar in the fifth literary female students and to keep it. To achieve the research goal, the researcher formulated the following two hypotheses:
. There is no statistically significant difference at the level of significance (05.0) between the average scores of female students of the experimental group and the average score of female students of the control group in the achievement test.
There is no statistically significant difference at the level of significance (05.0) between the average scores of female students of the experimental group and the average score of female students of the control group in the retention test.
To achieve the goal of the research, the researcher chose an experimental design with partial control (experimental group and control group) and was intentionally chosen secondary Fatima for girls, located in the district of Baquba and by way of random drawing, Division (B) was chosen to represent the experimental group, and Division A was chosen to represent the control group.
The research sample reached (63) students, (32) students in the experimental group, and (31) students in the control group, statistically rewarded between them in the following variables: (time age calculated by months, variable of intelligence, and previous information (pre-test)).
The researcher prepared an achievement test consisting of two questions. The first (20) paragraphs of the test type are multiple.
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