The Impersonation of Nature in the Poetic Consonance of Emily Dickinson

  • Lect. Hazhar Ramadhan Ahmed English Department - College of Basic Education - University of Riparin Kurdistan Region - Iraq
Keywords: Impersonation, Nature and Poetic Consonance


The paper concerns with the art of nature in Emily Dickinson poetry and The Impersonation of Nature in his Poetic Consonance. It discusses the element of nature throughout his poems specifically the ones chosen in this paper and the researcher discuss them and show the concepts of nature. The researcher present and defines the statement of the paper in the very beginning of and sets some questions and objectives to prove the study under discussion. Analyse the theme of nature by giving indication from the poem to confirm the influence of nature more clearly. Nature plays a very important effect in the poetic consonance of Dickinson’s. She always considers herself as a very lonely poet and her poetry is filled with emotional, psychological, symbolic, physical, and pragmatist facets. An important characteristic of her poems is her association with the world of nature. In her life, she spends most of her time thinking about the mysteries of nature. For that reason, her poems bear immeasurable resonances of nature. This paper is concern with how the natural elements of Emily Dickinson's poems connect with life, and how she describes the nature in her poems. The researcher selected two poems of Emily Dickenson to show the poetic consonance of nature. The poems that researcher selected are 'A bird Come down the Walk' and ' Nature, the Gentlest Mother's 'which are two greatest poems of Emily Dickinson, relating with Eco-Feminist criticism. Finally, the paper is concluded and clarifies the outcome and gives some suitable recommendations. 


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How to Cite
Lect. Hazhar Ramadhan Ahmed. (2020). The Impersonation of Nature in the Poetic Consonance of Emily Dickinson. Journal of Arts, Literature, Humanities and Social Sciences, (51), 373-383.