An Educational Program for the Use of Pressure Feet in Implementing Knitting Techniques
Knitting is one of the most important processes in the garment industry, as it is the basic mayors that maintain the form, design and performance of clothing, so it needs special skills and expertise based on solid scientific background and accurate technical practices.
The technology of knitting ready-made clothes depends on its two important components: the sewing machine, and its accessories.
The research aims to:
1- Preparing an educational program to use the pressure feet in implementing the techniques of sewing clothes.
2- Overcoming the problems and difficulties facing female students in implementing knitting techniques.
3- Providing female students with the skills of implementing knitting techniques using pressed feet.
4- Measuring the effectiveness of the educational program in terms of cognitive achievement and skill performance.
The research found:
1- There are statistically significant differences between the average female students ’scores in the pre and post application to the use of pressing feet in implementing knitting techniques for the benefit of post application.
2- There are statistically significant differences between the average female students ’scores in the pre and post application of the achievement test in favor of the post application.
3- There are statistically significant differences between the average female students ’scores in the pre and post application to the skill performance test in favor of post application.
I recommend searching:
1- Opening up to the world and keeping pace with global trends to benefit from modern information technologies in education processes.
2- Emphasizing the role of universities and higher institutes in community service to urge them to conduct research and studies on state institutions.
3- Take advantage of the educational program to use pressure feet to facilitate the work of sewing techniques in designing other educational programs in clothing and fabric to face rapid changes as an essential component of human development.
4- Attention to updating the knowledge and skills of female students according to the requirements of the times and its variables.
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