Evaluating the Arabic Language Book for the Third Intermediate Grade in Light of the Quality of the Textbook
This study aims to (Evaluation of Arabic Language Book of the 3st intermediate Stage in the Light of Quality Standards of the Curriculum). To achieve the goal of the research, the researcher relied on the descriptive approach (survey) as a method for studying, it is considered one of the appropriate approaches to achieve the goal of the research( 2019-2020) , as for the research sample, it reached (100) teachers and schools, and the researcher used the random sample to be representative of the study community, while the research tool was a questionnaire containing quality standards for the textbook for Arabic language for the third intermediate grade, which was prepared after referring to Sources on the topic of Research and previous studies, and the validity of the tool (the questionnaire) was confirmed by presenting it to the arbitrators and specialists in the methods of teaching Arabic language, measurement and evaluation, which included the questionnaire (134) indicators distributed on (18) criteria, and distributed over six areas: (objectives, content, methods Teaching, activities and means, evaluation, language of the book and its technical and print output) The researcher handled statistical data to extract the results by using the weighted mean, standard deviation and percentage weight, and the researcher adopted an arbitrator of (75%) to judge the quality of the Arabic language textbook for the third intermediate class after consulting a number From experts In light of the results, the researcher concluded several conclusions, including:
1- There is a variation in the distribution of standards over the Arabic language textbook for the third intermediate grade, in its parts (first and second).
2- There is no unified scientific basis for selecting subjects in the third intermediate grade based on the quality standards of the textbook.
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