The Meaning of a Village and a City in Holy Quran

  • Dr. Balsam Muhammad Sakban Al-Quraishi Wasit Education Directorate - Ministry of Education
Keywords: village, city, Ayyat, Holy Quran


This search has been study (village, city) and how did they came in Quran according to the denotation. The village and their ramification has been came fifty fife once in Quran, also the city names has been came fourteen once and this show about those two words so important in Holy Quran and the materialization that they did in all human life such as the prophets from them.

At first time all Holy Quran using village to show to their that means, place housing or building and some time show to their that means their peoples and some time the village in Holy Quran that show to certainly place, so it has name such as Mecca or Al-Taef or Madina or Intakie …etc. and it comes in some Ayyat (village and village not means anything, just village or that means nations from peoples or one state from many states also the denotation of city was showed in some (Ayyat) to another names such as Yathrrip, Messer or Sadow or another from the cities.

Sometimes it comes to show that means village according to
Al Ayeh Kream.

So the second search comes to show that means city in Holy Quran. The final of this search make discussion to so important results that arrived there.


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How to Cite
Dr. Balsam Muhammad Sakban Al-Quraishi. (2020). The Meaning of a Village and a City in Holy Quran . Journal of Arts, Literature, Humanities and Social Sciences, (51), 298-305.