The Obstacles of Using Effective Teaching Methods in Higher Education from the Viewpoint of faculty members of General Science Departments in Kurdistan Region – Iraq

  • Prof. Dr. Chachan Jumaa Mohammed Duhok University - Kurdistan Region- Iraq
  • Heman Ahmad Abdulla Soran University - Kurdistan Region- Iraq
Keywords: effective teaching, faculty members, obstacles, higher education


This research aims to identify the obstacles to effective teaching in higher education institutions from the viewpoint of faculty members in the departments of general science, and to indicate the significance of the differences in their viewpoints according to demographic variables: (university, gender, degree, academic title, and years of teaching experience). The study sample consisted of (61) faculty members distributed by gender to (33) males and (28) females. The researchers used a questionnaire consisting of (34) items as a tool for data collection. The data was analyzed using the (SPSS) program. The t-test for one-sample, t-test for two independent samples, and ANOVA were applied. The results of the study showed that: "the high cost of purchasing educational equipment" came in the first place among the obstacles, followed by "the students' lack of familiarity with the scientific method of thinking", and then the "reliance of students on memorization without comprehension". The results showed that there were no statistically significant differences between the average scores at the significance level (0.05) according to the demographic variables (university, gender, degree, and years of teaching experience, and academic title). In light of the results, some recommendations were presented.


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How to Cite
Prof. Dr. Chachan Jumaa Mohammed, & Heman Ahmad Abdulla. (2021). The Obstacles of Using Effective Teaching Methods in Higher Education from the Viewpoint of faculty members of General Science Departments in Kurdistan Region – Iraq. Journal of Arts, Literature, Humanities and Social Sciences, (74), 242-255.