Privatization and its Role in Improving The Outcomes of Education from School Leaders` Perspective
To recognize the role of privatization in improving the economic, social and artistic outcomes of education from the point of view of school leaders. Identify the most important obstacles (administrative, social and economic) facing the privatization of public education from the point of view of school leaders
To achieve the research objectives, the researchers used the descriptive approach to the nature of the research and its objectives. After conducting the necessary statistical analysis, the research reached a number of results, the most important of which are:
-The vocabulary of the study confirms the role of privatization in improving the output of education in terms of economic, social and technical, with an average of (2.44 out of 3). The results showed that the most important roles of privatization in improving the educational outcomes in terms of economic, social and technical were the role of privatization in improving the educational outcomes (2.49 out of 3), followed by the role of privatization in improving the economic outcomes of education with an average of (2.43 out of 3). Finally, the role of privatization in improving the educational outcomes of the social level was average 2.41 out of 3).
-The results of the study indicate that the most important obstacles (administrative, social and economic) facing the privatization of public education were the economic obstacles (2.55 out of 3) , Followed by social obstacles (2.53 out of 3), administrative obstacles (2.46 out of 3), and administrative obstacles .
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المواقع الإلكترونية:
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