Terrorism and Distinguishing it from Similar Topics

  • Bukhari Jamil Ali Law Department - College of Law -Knowledge University – Erbil - Kurdistan Region of Iraq
Keywords: terrorism, political crime, organized crime


In modern times, characterized by the emergence of new types of crime on the international scene and modern methods of committing crimes that have existed since ancient times, and the types of crimes have varied and it has become difficult to control them completely. Criminal organizations may practice terrorism just to provide a more suitable environment for their criminal projects when terrorist groups practice Criminal activity such as drug and arms trafficking, as this activity is usually designed to achieve material resources to enable it to pursue its terrorist work schedules more effectively, and is similar to terrorism in some of the methods used by those criminal organizations to achieve their goals, in addition to the possibility of cooperation between criminal organizations and terrorist organizations . While this is not the case with political crimes, and accordingly, every terrorism that involves an act or act of violence has a political nature, it cannot be said that every political crime involves terrorism, and it is agreed upon in the majority of modern penal laws and modern constitutions (and supported by international treaties and even custom International), that a political criminal may not be extradited if he resorts to a country other than the state in which he committed the crime. As for the terrorist criminal and in order to combat terrorism, all international agreements related to this regard stipulate that he must be extradited in order to tighten the siege on him and prevent him from impunity, While the international crime in its proper sense is the one that occurs based on the direction of the state, or its consent, or permission to commit it or based on taking its international responsibility, or that is harmful or dangerous to international values ​​that the international community is keen to protect with a criminal penalty, and then it can be said that Terrorism as a crime may be internal or international.


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Turk, Danilo: International Law and Terrorism S.T.P July – October, 1989
How to Cite
Bukhari Jamil Ali. (2021). Terrorism and Distinguishing it from Similar Topics. Journal of Arts, Literature, Humanities and Social Sciences, (74), 10-25. https://doi.org/10.33193/JALHSS.74.2021.602