Study the Basics and Techniques of Prominent Embroidery to Achieve Aesthetic Values and Their Functional Applications
The art of embroidery developed in the Islamic era, and it was famous for its textile pieces with embroidered inscriptions with colored silk threads and golden and silver metal threads. And it flourished especially in the Mamluk era in the works of the honorable clothing of the Kaaba, the caliph's garments, and the rip-offs that the kings deposed on those who were satisfied with them. And the richness of embroidery art increased in the era of the Ayyubids and Mamluks. The embroidery of the Ottoman period was of a distinctive level.
The research aims to:
1- Introducing the techniques and methods used in implementing 3D embroidery.
2- Using new and traditional materials to highlight the aesthetics of 3D embroidery through the properties it holds to create 3D embroidered tableaux.
The research found:
1- There are statistically significant differences between the six designs in achieving the aesthetic aspect according to the opinions of specialists
2- There are statistically significant differences between the six designs in achieving the functional aspect according to the opinions of specialists
3- There are statistically significant differences between the six designs in achieving the innovative aspect according to the opinions of specialists
4- There are statistically significant differences between the six designs according to the opinions of consumers
I recommend searching:
1- Establishing professional institutes for women that teach and develop manual embroidery techniques.
2- Exchanging the experiences gained between the specialists in the field and other disciplines for development, and integrating them in the application to raise the technical, skilled and innovative level.
3- Conducting more experimental practices with traditional methods in the field of hand embroidery, to allow the opportunity to make new changes that enrich this field technically and aesthetically.
4- Opening channels of communication with other technical fields to develop artistic and creative performance in the field of manual embroidery.
5- Exceeding the fine lines separating artistic fields, dealing with its various materials with experimentation, and making use of them in the field of innovative applications in the field of manual embroidery.
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