Interactive Paintings with Heat Changing to Reduce Visual Distortion
The current research addressed the reactive paints of heat variables that are affected by high and low temperature by reflecting or absorbing solar rays and thus changing their color with different color waves starting from red, orange, then yellow, then green, then blue and ending with violet according to the wavelength of color so that they become replicable and work backwards and continue to interact according to temperature to about 120°C Celsius
These paints are new, so they give an unfamiliar and changing aesthetic view of random buildings so that they reduce visual distortion in the Al-Nakasa area of Mecca city, which Saudi Arabia has long cared about, and even made reducing visual distortion an important goal of the Kingdom's vision 2030 because of its negative effects on the individual and society.
Therefore, the problem of research is to reduce visual distortion through interactive painting of heat variables, where these interactive paints were used on random buildings with the aim of reducing visual distortion and adding aesthetic value to random buildings. adding functional value by keeping the coatings on the coolness of the buildings from the inside in the summer and heating the buildings in the winter. One of the most prominent results was to reduce visual distortion in the random areas and add aesthetic value to them and one of the most important recommendations was to make seminars in public places to raise awareness of the effects of visual pollution. One of the most important proposals is cooperation between the municipalities of cities and artists to work together by adding aesthetic artistic value and attention to reduce visual distortion.
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