The Extent to Which Government School Principals Apply The Role of The Resident Supervisor in Their Schools from The Point of View of School Principals Themselves

  • Amal Sami Karim Khasawneh Jordanian Ministry of Education
Keywords: school principals, resident supervisor, Jordanian Ministry of Education


This study aimed to identify the extent to which government school principals apply the role of the resident supervisor in their schools from the point of view of school principals themselves. The researcher used the descriptive approach in the study. The study population consisted of all principals working in the Jordanian Ministry of Education. A random sample was chosen to represent the study population, as the sample percentage was approximately (30%) of the study population. The researcher used a questionnaire tool to achieve the objectives of the study, which consisted of (30) items.

The results of the study showed that the degree of application of the role of the resident supervisor among principals in the schools of the school from the point of view of the principals themselves was "little", and the results indicated that there were statistically significant differences due to the variable of school gender in favor of female schools compared to male schools.

The study concluded that there are no statistically significant differences in the availability of supervisory skills for the resident supervisor in their schools from the point of view of the principals themselves due to the other variables of the study (gender, years of experience, academic degree) and that the degree of principals’ application of their roles as resident supervisors is few.


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How to Cite
Amal Sami Karim Khasawneh. (2021). The Extent to Which Government School Principals Apply The Role of The Resident Supervisor in Their Schools from The Point of View of School Principals Themselves. Journal of Arts, Literature, Humanities and Social Sciences, (71), 87-121.