Poetry and Biography in Walla'a Al-Sawaf

  • Prof.Dr.Abdallah H. Altememy Department of Arabic – College of Education -Al-Qadisiayh University –Iraq
  • Jinan K. GH. Al-Khuzai Department of Arabic – College of Education -Al-Qadisiayh University –Iraq
Keywords: Poetry, biography, Walla'a Al-Sawaf


The biography represents in Al-Sawaf poetry a free memory that is not subject to the rules of the reality. Al-Sawaf's biographical project embodies his creative energies and his artistic abilities to target what he aspires for. Al-Sawaf's biographical representations are consistent with his individual memory as well as the collective memory of his country, which he seeks to crystallize what the spatial and temporal dimensions involve in expressing his ideas. Thus, Al-Sawaf's concepts, feelings and desires are expressed through a number of way methods crowned with several stages. His poetry ranges from ''autobiography'' to ''biography'', carrying a fictional covenant and a self-vision that contributed to creating a /n '' (auto) biographical'' psyche that reflects the situations and issues that he or his people experienced and suffered from. In this way, biography in Al-Sawaf's poetry contributes to highlighting the audience reception for his poetry and accentuating the search for the poetic self. AL-Soaf was able to draw inspiration from his biography within his vision of his technical narrative space by operating his poetic imagination, which is based on a sense of private perceptions,The poet in his personal and altruistic texts, is no longer a prisoner of his reality and his issues only, but the ego controls within its circular pattern without revealing the veil of vision, highlighting the collective collective reality, which is present in all the interactions of the soul and the soul, excited by the closed idea and the apparent and inner event, so it transmits a biography of a related idea Mixed with past, present and recipent. We see the poet in the heterosexual biography with which he baptized into the biography of the city and the pain and pain that befell it in the city (BRC). He enters with her historical codes, and the poet came out with his mental motives in organizing the biography of the city of Hilla to hang the current situation with his wide imagination.


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How to Cite
Prof.Dr.Abdallah H. Altememy, & Jinan K. GH. Al-Khuzai. (2020). Poetry and Biography in Walla’a Al-Sawaf. Journal of Arts, Literature, Humanities and Social Sciences, (51), 193-207. https://doi.org/10.33193/JALHSS.51.2020.56