A Concise Review of Prominent Phases and Impacts of Translation on Arabic Intellectually and Linguistically
The present study aims at investigating the impact of translation on Arabic in its various historical phases. This impact is addressed on two levels: one is intellectual as Arabic is a well-structured system of knowledge with its own features and the other is linguistic as it is a tongue of people having borne a message to the world. The study is initiated by an introduction with its problem, objectives and importance, presents a historical overview of translation-into-Arabic phases, most notably the Abbasid era along with the major translation projects, programs, initiatives and awards in the modern age. After that, the study demonstrates the impact of translation on Arabic both intellectually and linguistically, to be ultimately concluded by its implications and recommendations. A forward-looking approach was methodically followed to address this issue since translation is not paid great care by statesmen or those working in knowledge and science although it is important for further progress. The impact of translation on Arabic has been found to be intellectual and linguistic: the Arabs' stock of knowledge has grown, culture has flourished and language has absorbed many lexical items and structures. Eventually, translation is a cultural activity connecting the Arab-Muslim civilization with all eastern and western parts of the globe by which Arabic has affected and been affected in all various aspects of knowledge.
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