The Self and the Other in Neshat Al-Masry's Shaken Story

  • Assist. Lect. Naglaa Ahmed Hassan Department of Translation - College of Arts - Iraqi University – Iraq
Keywords: Self and the Other, eshat Al-Masry, Shaken Story


This study refers to the dialectic of the relationship between the self and the other, and the psychological, social, and cultural dimensions it carries, and the subject in the novel is shaken inside and defeated outside, confused between action and reaction. As for her relationship with the other, it was between sympathetic and supportive of her, like the other friend, who is trying hard to pull her out of her weakness and strengthen her resolve to appear more solid and strong, and between an enemy trying to ridicule and take revenge on her.    The woman also occupies a large space in the life of the self, for she is the other, always sympathetic and compassionate, who embodied in the role of the mother, and the beloved other who used to draw her and discuss her in his dreams, and the other wife is the source of his misery, weakness and psychological suffering. Weakness, lack of self-confidence, and fear.


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How to Cite
Assist. Lect. Naglaa Ahmed Hassan. (2021). The Self and the Other in Neshat Al-Masry’s Shaken Story. Journal of Arts, Literature, Humanities and Social Sciences, (71), 16-28.