The Effect of the Student Activation Strategies on the Collection of Arabic Grammar Material for Fifth Grade Primary School Students

  • Assist. Prof. Dr. Saba Hamed Hussein Ibn Rushd College of Education for Humanities - University of Baghdad - Iraq
  • Ahlam Hassan Farhan Ibn Rushd College of Education for Humanities - University of Baghdad - Iraq
Keywords: student activation, Arabic grammar, fifth primary class


The researcher adopted the experimental design of the Two groups ( experimental and control) to achieve the coal , the researcher chose the research sample from the fifth grade pupils in AL_Chadir primary school for girls of the Directorate of Karkh/3,Baghdad.with as sample of (63) pupils, the researcher rewarded pupils in the two research groups for the following variables (the age of time is calculated in months', the academic achievement of parents, the previous years scores for Arabic grammar, the Intelligence test)the researcher prepared final test as a tool for her research applied at the end of the experiment components of (25) paragraphs and after correcting the answers of the students. The search results in the following result, there is a statistically significant difference at the level of a (0,05) indication between the average scores of pupils in the Arabic grammar and experimental group .


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How to Cite
Assist. Prof. Dr. Saba Hamed Hussein, & Ahlam Hassan Farhan. (2020). The Effect of the Student Activation Strategies on the Collection of Arabic Grammar Material for Fifth Grade Primary School Students. Journal of Arts, Literature, Humanities and Social Sciences, (51), 181-192.