The Effectiveness of the Strategy of the Socratic Cycle in Developing Reading Comprehension and Expressive Performance in Reading and Text Material for Fifth Literary Students

  • Assist.Prof. Dr. Taha Ibrahim Goda Department of Educational and Psychological Sciences - College of Education - Al-Mustansiriya University - Iraq
  • Kadhem Abbas Katea Al-Qadisiyah Education Directorate - Ministry of Education - Iraq
Keywords: Socratic cycle strategy, reading comprehension, expressive performance, literary fifth


The current research aims to know the effectiveness of the strategy of the Socratic cycle in developing reading comprehension and expressive performance for fifth-grade literary students in reading and text material, and used the experimental approach in order to achieve the goal of the research, The experiment that lasted for a full semester of the academic year 2018-2019 was conducted as the researcher chose the Karama prep for boys in Diwaniya Governorate Center intentionally to apply the experiment and the research sample identified (60) students by (30) for the experimental group, and (30) students for the control group, and the two groups were rewarded In variables (Chronological age calculated by months, academic achievement of parents, grades of the previous year for students in Arabic language, language ability test scores) The researcher approved the experimental design with a partial control with pre and post testing for the two research groups. The experiment started on (7/5/2019) and continued until (5/5/2019). After completing the experiment, the results were analyzed statistically using the mono-variance analysis, the results showed that there is a difference Statistical significance between the two research groups, in favor of the experimental group that studied using the Socratic Ring strategy.


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How to Cite
Assist.Prof. Dr. Taha Ibrahim Goda, & Kadhem Abbas Katea. (2020). The Effectiveness of the Strategy of the Socratic Cycle in Developing Reading Comprehension and Expressive Performance in Reading and Text Material for Fifth Literary Students. Journal of Arts, Literature, Humanities and Social Sciences, (51), 170-180.