The Effect of Cross-Teaching Strategy on Academic Achievement in Literature and Text for Fifth-Grade Literary Students

  • Lect. Alaa Shyal Fakher Muhammad College of Arts - Iraqi University - Iraq
Keywords: reciprocal teaching, academic achievements


The present research paper aimed to know the effect of the reciprocal teaching strategy on the academic achievement of grade eleven students in province of Baghdad regarding literature texts. It also shed a light on the topics which are presumably selected to be taught for the abovementioned grade in the second semester in the academic year of (2018-2019). The sample of this research consisted of (68) students. The researcher chose Thurat El-Hussein (el- Hussein Revolution) high school for his paper, two groups have been chosen; the first one represented an experimental group and the second one represented a control group. According to the variable changes, the researcher has applied the reward theory in his study (half-year Arabic language grades…). The researcher adopted the achievement test as a tool to be applied at the end of the experiment, and he reached the following results:

The strategy of reciprocal teaching was effective in increasi


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How to Cite
Lect. Alaa Shyal Fakher Muhammad. (2020). The Effect of Cross-Teaching Strategy on Academic Achievement in Literature and Text for Fifth-Grade Literary Students. Journal of Arts, Literature, Humanities and Social Sciences, (51), 143-161.