The Aesthetics of Shaped Relations in Contemporary Interactive Advertising Designs

  • Assist. Prof. Anwar Ali Alwan Al-Qaraghooli Dept. of Design - College of Fine Arts - University of Babylon - Iraq
  • Assist. Lect. Ruaa MohammedAli Talib Al-Sharea Dept. of Design - College of Fine Arts - University of Babylon – Iraq
Keywords: shaped relations, design, interactive ads


This research is concerned with a study (The Aesthetics of Shaped Relations in Contemporary Interactive Advertisings Designs). It includes four chapters. The first chapter is devoted to clarifying the research problem, its importance, need, goal, and limits, and defining the most important terms. The research problem dealt with the subject of aesthetics of shaped relations in contemporary interactive advertising designs, through studying aesthetic and shaped relations in design, and seeking to find simulations of reality to attract attention by using new technologies that created the design to enter the commercial market through technology, especially in the art of advertising. The problem of the current research deals with the Aesthetics of Shaped Relations in Contemporary Interactive Advertising Designs through answering the following questions:

- To what extent can shaped relations affect the designs of contemporary interactive ads?

- How can the aesthetic relations of formalities increase the effectiveness of the advertising message through the employment of interactive advertising?

   The importance of the current research represents an attempt to investigate the types of shaped relations in contemporary interactive advertising designs, and represents a new vision in the emergence of modern technologies and materials that give the designer multiple dimensions to reformulate the advertisement. The need for the current research is evident in the fact that the subject has not been studied in the area of design art, and this justifies addressing it and revealing its analytical data, to achieve the desired benefit, and it benefits researchers and art connoisseurs who are interested in aesthetic, artistic and critical studies of design art. As for the limits of the research, they include three aspects: (a) Objective: which was represented by a study of the formal relationships in contemporary interactive advertising designs, (b) Time: (2012 - 2017), and (c) Spatial: (America - China - Germany - Australia). As for the second chapter, which is represented by the theoretical framework, it contained two topics, the first topic dealt with: (shaped relations in design), and the second topic dealt with (the concept of contemporary interactive advertising), and the theoretical framework that ended with a set of indicators. The third chapter is concerned with research procedures. The fourth chapter deals with the results of the research, conclusions, recommendations and suggestions.


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How to Cite
Assist. Prof. Anwar Ali Alwan Al-Qaraghooli, & Assist. Lect. Ruaa MohammedAli Talib Al-Sharea. (2020). The Aesthetics of Shaped Relations in Contemporary Interactive Advertising Designs. Journal of Arts, Literature, Humanities and Social Sciences, (51), 123-142.