Design and Art Education in Light of the direction of Vision 2030 and needs the labor market in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
The research problem is centered around the current trend of art and the position on the labour market and the trends lack of interest, in correcting the field of art education. It permanently canceled the specialization, and the researcher also put in place one of the assumptions that expects, that this specialization would need to be developed. Starting from higher educational institutions, so that the outputs of students are of a standard with society, the environment and raising the social taste. This is one of the most important goals also related to educating the art scene as well as artists and art hobbyists.The researcher also followed the descriptive and analytical approach, in analyzing the Saudi reality, reviewing the results of previous researches and its importance in drawing outlines for the future direction of arts in the Kingdom, in light of Vision 2030.
The theoretical side was also analytical, and the researcher divided the research into two parts. The first, concerned with the field of art education and the second, in the field of designs. The results also demonstrated the importance of art education in general and its importance to society, as well as the professional disciplines in the labor market, design, decorative and electronic disciplines.
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