Designing a Suggested Virtual Library for Components of Saudi Women Garment

  • Dalia Abdulkarem Kandeel Postgraduate student in the Department of Fashion and Textile - Majoring in manufacturing technology- College of Human Sciences and Design - King Abdul Aziz University in Jeddah
  • Prof. Dr. Rania Mustafa Kamel Professor of Apparel manufacturing technology - Department of Fashion and Textile - College of Human Sciences and Design - King Abdulaziz University in Jeddah
Keywords: Virtual Library, Garment Components


Virtual reality is considered a form of visual communication in which perceptions replace reality and allow effective responses to the assumed reality.

This research discusses building a virtual library for garment components to represents a scientific encyclopedia of clothing items, which includes (collar, cuffs, pockets, and placket)

It also aims at creating a digital set that includes information and saves some of the garment components.

The results of the research shed light on the necessity of establishing a virtual library of clothing items to facilitate reaching the needed information. The researcher also recommends providing information to the beneficiaries electronically in order to contribute to the development and enrichment of the virtual library of clothing components content, in addition to upgrading the virtual library services


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How to Cite
Dalia Abdulkarem Kandeel, & Prof. Dr. Rania Mustafa Kamel. (2021). Designing a Suggested Virtual Library for Components of Saudi Women Garment . Journal of Arts, Literature, Humanities and Social Sciences, (67), 314-333.