Visual Persuasion for Home Page Design in News Websites

(An analytical study)

  • Dr. Bairq Hussein Jumaah Al-Rubaye Department Of Journalism- College Of Media- Baghdad University-Iraq
Keywords: Visual persuasion, News websites, Quality of information, Content design


The design of the home page intends to use effective visual elements to build the general structure of the site and the home page in particular. The home page is characterized by simulating the user’s perceptions by employing visual attraction tools towards the site through the home page. News sites, and the importance of the study comes as a result of cognitive shifts that are directed towards interest in visual persuasion when designing the site, in addition to this the importance of research comes to identify the factors affecting the building of visual persuasion for the home page, to reach That is why the researcher used the survey method, the method of analyzing the form (content analysis how it was said?), And the research community represented the Arab news sites (the home page). These sites are of importance, prevalence, and percentage of browsing according to the main page of the researched sites. Among the most prominent results of the research are the interest of the sites in interactive communication with users and the adoption of a standard that facilitates the use to create a good user experience to achieve visual persuasion in addition to distraction. Or the standard of quality information as an influential factor in the building as well as visual persuasion for good design and appropriate to the nature of the site and users.


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How to Cite
Dr. Bairq Hussein Jumaah Al-Rubaye. (2020). Visual Persuasion for Home Page Design in News Websites : (An analytical study) . Journal of Arts, Literature, Humanities and Social Sciences, (51), 105-122.