Printmaking and Saudi heritage through Tourism Souvenirs
The research deals with The research deals with artistic printing and how to benefit from it in the implementation of designs for tourism souvenirs derived from the Saudi heritage. Using artistic printing techniques that add to it a kind of uniqueness to emphasize the aesthetic and functional value in it. The research problem was summarized in the following question: What is the possibility of making use of the field of artistic printing in the implementation of designs of tourist souvenirs derived from the Saudi heritage? The research also aims to benefit from the field of artistic printing in the implementation of designs for tourist souvenirs derived from the Saudi heritage. The researcher followed the descriptive approach in the theoretical framework, and in the practical framework, a presentation of some tourist souvenirs, executed by printing methods, derived from some archaeological monuments from within the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Among the results of the research is the possibility of making use of the elements of the Saudi heritage in the design of tourist souvenirs. 3D printing of tourist souvenirs attracts tourists and contributes to the support and development of the economy. Benefit from the 2030 trends.The researcher concluded that printing methods and techniques have potentials that make tourist souvenirs an important means of tourist attraction.The use of digital printing technologies helps reduce the time and effort involved in designing and implementing tourist souvenirs.
The researcher recommends paying attention to making tourist souvenirs derived from the Saudi heritage. and making use of the elements of the Saudi heritage in the tourist souvenirs contributes to the creation of plastic products that keep pace with contemporary art.
In addition to that, shed light on the importance of tourism souvenirs derived from the Saudi heritage according to the tourism and heritage of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia within the goals of Vision 2030.
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