Reviving the Heritage of Ad-Diriyah City in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia through the Printmaking

  • Hanan Saleh Abdulallah Alghammas PHD student in Department of Painting and Arts - College of Design and Art - University of Jeddah - Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
  • Mona Mohamem Ibrahem Mohamed Prof of printmaking and dyeing in Department of Painting and Arts - College of Design and Art - University of Jeddah - Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Keywords: Heritage, Ad-Diriyah, The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Printmaking


The research deals with Printmaking and the possibility of reviving the heritage of the city of Ad-Diriyah in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia by reviewing the technical printmaking methods and their multiple capabilities, and applying that to the heritage of the city of Ad-Diriyah represented in the heritage palaces and mosques by presenting a vision for the revival of heritage by the researcher. The research aims to introduce the city of AD-Diriyah and revive its heritage through artistic edition and the role it plays in documenting heritage and history while studying the individuality of that heritage and methods of preserving its culture across generations which contributes to the development of cultural communication and the spread of the national heritage among the different Saudi societies in accordance with 2030 vision which stipulates the importance of reviving the national, Arabic and Islamic heritage sites. One prominent finding of the research is that Printmaking is one of the most effective technical methods in documenting the heritage in the city of AD-Diriyah, with the development of contemporary art formulations by taking advantage of the Saudi heritage represented in the heritage of the city of AD-Diriyah. The researcher recommends making use of the current research to emphasize the importance of national heritage and its care, refinement and commitment to preserving and protecting it. The research also recommends conducting more studies in the various fields of Printmaking to document and disseminate the cultural heritage of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, which were not previously studied.


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How to Cite
Hanan Saleh Abdulallah Alghammas, & Mona Mohamem Ibrahem Mohamed. (2021). Reviving the Heritage of Ad-Diriyah City in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia through the Printmaking. Journal of Arts, Literature, Humanities and Social Sciences, (67), 214-239.