Preservation and Reuse of Heritage and Historical Buildings in Cities
(Al-Daho Quarter, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia)
This paper examines the experience of rehabilitating of mud heritage buildings in (Al-Daho Quarter) which is located within the (Qasr Al-Hukm) area in the center of Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, and re-use them. The project of (Al-Daho Quarter) aimed at preserving the Quarter’s heritage mud buildings, in addition to preserve the historic fabric and providing opportunities for a distinctive historical, cultural, life experience by visiting the Quarter and enjoying the heritage atmosphere that it evident in the old city wall. This in addition to improve access to various nearby attractive markets and historical sites. The project undertook a complete renewal of the Quarter, while preserving its identity and its architectural features, and established new infrastructure at a high level of standards. Traditional materials of clay and wood were used in rehabilitation and restoration works, and traditional building methods with its inherited techniques were also used to revive the old building industry. The heritage buildings were rehabilitated and functionally prepared to be used as tourist lodges or residences, while providing all these buildings with basic services and surrounding them with essential facilities such as restaurants, markets, cafes, and parking lots. With the completion of the project works in 2020 AD, this project was a valuable addition to the cultural heritage preservation projects in the city of Riyadh, and a living model of developing and rehabilitating historic and traditional quarters in cities.
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